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Brick Paving Plan

Updated: May 17, 2024

Out the back we have a load of bricks and blocks to use; they can be used up by making stepping stones and steps. Check out the brick paving plan and hopefully it gives you a bit of inspiration for your project.

What We've Got

Each of the pavers and blocks were given an ID, the dimensions measured and counted.

(ID) Description LxW mm Number

  1. Bricks Dark grey 230x115 121

  2. Bricks Light grey 230x115 47

  3. Bricks Pink 230x150 75

  4. Bricks Cream 230x115 57

  5. Bricks Red 230x115 42

  6. Concrete squares 300 24

  7. Concrete squares 450 mm 2

  8. Concrete squares 600 mm 2

  9. Limestone blocks 350x200 15?

  10. Limestone retainers thin ?

  11. Limestone retainers 500x300 3

It was not easy to count or measure the limestone pavers or blocks, in fact the limestone pavers have been left out of the list until I can get better access to them.

Click on each diagram below to see full size (e.g. ID #2).

The Plan

Around the Old Pool

It would be nice to have stepping stones all around the old pool. Let's do it!

  1. First, we would dig and place the three large limestone retainers. This will hold the soil back so it doesn't get washed down by the rain, plus it would look pretty neat. That succulent can be dug out and put back.

  2. Next, we would put one of the thin limestone retainers as a step.

  3. Next, we would use the light grey pavers spaced half a metre apart (centre to centre) as shown and in groups of two to form squares. Dig them in so they are flush with the surrounding ground. Excess soil can be used to fill localised depressions or taken to the back of the yard for removal. All of the light grey pavers are expected to be used up.

Sunken garden with pavers
Voila - finished!

Between the Fence and the Big Shed

This corridor between the neighbouring fence and a big shed looks like it could do with some love.

  1. The ground next to the bore needs to be dug lower to match the level between the fence and the big shed. Eventually, it will be dug to this level around the garden shed and all the way to the lawn to improve the stormwater drainage.

  2. Level the ground and place the two 600x600 concrete squares following this guide and as indicated below. The water level behind the garden shed will be required (wooden stake with a translucent pipe taped to it). Builder's sand will not be required.

  3. Use the pink pavers spaced half a metre apart (centre to centre) in groups of two from the two concrete squares all the way to the dark grey concrete retaining wall. Some succulents may need to be moved. All of the pink pavers are expected to be used up, or with very few left. Dig them in and remove the left over soil to the back fence.

  4. Place three of the thin retaining wall blocks to make a set of steps.

Steps and stepping stones for garden
Finished 😎 (Reticulation still being installed)

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