If you are installing a hybrid floor, you will need skirting or a scotia to cover up the expansion gap. A scotia is a long thin strip, sort of triangular in cross section. The one I used was plastic. This is how you install one.
First, identify the long lengths and cut them about 2 mm longer than measured. Use a pencil to mark how it should be cut (i.e. angle) and use a mitre block to cut at the required angle.
Use the cutoffs for the shorter lengths - the longest length each can cover - until all the lengths of scotia are cut.
Next, make the scotia fit together. Use a vice and a file, being careful with the angle.
At internal corners, file the corner so it's rounded. Use excess lengths of flooring and/or an external wall corner to hold the lengths of scotia together and a newspaper to protect the floor.
Exposed ends? No problems! Paint with an oil based paint so it looks pretty. Here, I chose dark grey - the undercoat for the red doors I painted.
Finally, glue the scotia to the wall or skirting. Ideally, the wall should be painted with a primer. Test the wall paint if unsure. Silicone will last longer but proper masonry glue will work better at adhesion and hence eliminating gaps, so what you prefer - longevity or quality - is up to you.
If you are starting and stopping and the end of the caulk has dried, simply shove a kebab stick in the end to loosen the dried bit. Try not to shove it in too far or you may end up with a sudden mess of caulk after the dried bit pushes through the tip.
Use leftover flooring and weights to hold it against the wall. Wait the recommended amount of time (written on the tube of caulk) before removing the weights.
Enjoy your finished floor! 😃