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Escaping the Dream - Vertically

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

About five days ago I had a transformative dream. It all started when I had woken up during the night and was struggling to go back to sleep. Therefore, I meditated in bed. I asked the Universe what I should do and (from memory) the answer was related to having the mind of the Universe. I went back to sleep and while dreaming, realised I was dreaming.

Man realising he is asleep and dreaming
Realising you are in fact dreaming can be a powerful experience. Generated by Canva Text to Image

I saw someone playing a ball game on a lawn so flew to catch the ball. However, I was not entirely satisfied. I knew I was dreaming, so how to make use of such a deep self reflection? I started searching around and came to some sort of temple. My mind went back again to the importance of having the mind of the Universe. Some kind of realisation came, which I still can't recall. The whole dream changed but I maintained awareness.

Man catching a ball by flying
Lucid dreams can be fun! Generated by Canva Text to Image

I was climbing a staircase of an incredibly high steel frame tower with no cladding. I recognised some steps and platforms were quite unusual, reflecting the fact I was dreaming, I figured. I came to the top and it was as if I was at the bow of a large ship. A man was there and I asked what was going on. He said I was being given the opportunity to fly, with a smile as if I had won the lotto and he was handing me the prize. I leapt off the front of the ship.

Man in a large open steel structure surrounded by sky
Enlightenment is escaping the 'frame' of the mind. Generated by Canva Text to Image

Effortlessly, I soared incredibly high. It was quite possibly the best flying experience in a dream I'd ever had. Not only because it was fun, but because it was as if my entire mind was shifting perspective. To the perspective of the Universe. Everything seemed to be fading out to emptiness as I went higher and higher.

Man flying high in the sky
Flying in dreams can be not only fun, but can shift your entire self perspective. Generated by Canva Text to Image

Even to today, my self limiting beliefs have been melting away. Self limiting beliefs about my speed to complete daily tasks, ability to lead a team, employability and more. There is some scientific evidence that lucid dreaming can have a positive effect on wellbeing. We are in fact not our own body, which I had felt deeply in and after a dream four nights earlier. I had enlightened to this by following a meditation as well and dreaming about it seemed to further consolidate this fact. After all, we are living inside a dream whether we are asleep or awake - the dream of our own mind worlds. Escaping this dream and finding the mind of the Universe is true freedom and leads to true success.

Person who can manage tasks, time etc successfully
Overcoming limiting beliefs through deep introspection leads to success. Generated by Canva Text to Image

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3 comentários

Gab Adam
Gab Adam
14 de mai. de 2023

I love how you relate flying to a shift in perspective and self-limiting beliefs melting away :)


David Clouston
David Clouston
14 de mai. de 2023

I love your words "Enlightenment is escaping the 'frame' of the mind .


Steven Trpenov
Steven Trpenov
14 de mai. de 2023

That was cool to read thanks Chris! I've always wanted to lucid dream but was too lazy to put the effort

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