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Visiting the Perth Zoo

The Perth Zoo was actually the first public attraction built in Perth. There are a few zoos in Western Australia featuring native wildlife but if you want exotic animals, Perth Zoo is your best bet. My partner was visiting from Vietnam, who likes monkeys, so we visited Perth Zoo on Valentine's Day.

Even though it was 36˚C maximum that day, the trees, sprinklers and misters were enough to keep us quite cool. By comparison, on a similarly hot day at The Chimneys in Erskine, right by the estuary, we really felt the heat due to the lack of shade.

First we saw the Sun Bears in the Asian section. This is the smallest species of bear in the world.

I took an instant liking to the otters, as you can tell from my laugh! 😆

Next up, the Australian section. I managed to get this very short video of a numbat, after sitting down for a few minutes. They are very shy. They are also close to extinction due to ferals introduced by Europeans, which is a bit embarrassing given it is our Western Australian mammal emblem.

No exotic zoo is complete without an African section. Behold the obligatory sleeping lion. Reminds me of someone I know. 😸

Lion sleeping in the shade at Perth Zoo
Fortunately, there is a thick layer of glass separating you from this bloke

And the rhinoceros, complete with native ducks stealing its food and enjoying its water.

Rhinoceros at Perth Zoo
A rhino and a brave duck

What is there not to like about turtles? 🐢❤️

The meerkats were holding a committee meeting.

We definitely had to visit the primate section. Believe it or not, this is not a mouse - it's the smallest primate in the world, the pygmy marmoset.

This guy looked like he was interested in what was beyond his enclosure.

These are the videos I managed to take during our somewhat rushed visit. See what you can find! 😃

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